Category Archives: Photography


Helga Paris: Women At Work

I have just come across these fascinating photos by Helga Paris; the subject of a new book entitled Women At Work.

The photographer spent several weeks during 1984 at the state-owned East Berlin clothing factory VEB Treff-Modelle Berlin. She took over 1500 photographs of the female factory workers, 49 of which are featured in the book.

Here are some of my favourites (All images: Helga Paris)


Sunny travels

Here are some recent photographs of sunny days


Snapshot of October

Here’s what I have seen this month

Frome, Somerset
At home
Rode, Somerset
Frome, Somerset
Wells, Somerset
Autumn leaves
Torta de mele
Wiltshire woods
Dunes, Anglesey
Someone, Llandudno



Documentary photographs of the Byker Wall Estate in Newcastle’s East End by Sirkka-Liisa Konttinen.


Meditations on Kate Bush

Over the last couple of years, I have been working on a photographic project called One Kiss In Apple Blossom, inspired by the music of Kate Bush. Partly portraits of women who love her and partly a mediation on the link between song and image, I am now ready to take the project to the new phase.

Watch this space!

You can view the project and read the stories of the women taking part here


Beside the sea

These photographs come to us, fully formed from another world…


Covent Garden memories

A rewatch of the tremendous Frenzy prompted me to look back at the Covent Garden of the past, back when the place was a working fruit and vegetable market. Vendors and buyers, the theatre crowd and local characters lent the area its own distinctive charm.

Do people still live in Covent Garden? I suppose they do, but the bustle is different now the cauliflowers and cabbages have gone.


October snaps

Here are some of my photos from the month of October


September sun

A few recent photos of the sunny days of September.


Supergrass at The Cheese & Grain, Frome

Last Saturday I was let loose on the mighty Supergrass (supported by Junior Bill) with my camera and it was a lot of fun.

Thanks to the lovely people over at Fab Productions for giving me the opportunity – I wonder what they have coming up next??